
Daniel Oxley’s paintings incorporate and express a range of personal, lyrical, and epic themes, mixing a deep interest in and knowledge of the past with social and human concerns and conditions of the present. As artworks, they position themselves within the artistic traditions of landscape and history painting in their allegorical functions especially, as well as within modern and contemporary art, drawing particularly from symbolism and expressionism.

Most of the themes and works that have been of interest to him were derived from poetry, history, and philosophy – and from historical art. Each theme and series of his work develops a personal symbolic universe and a commentary on hierarchies that addresses issues of landscape, power, authority, judgment, and the act of making judgements. His art is his voice, the soulful expression of his vision, translating it into a visually accessible form. As an ethical and moral human being, his creative, intellectual, and spiritual paintings were always an outlet for his complex thinking.

Full site coming soon.